Friday, June 18, 2010

The unexamined life is not worth living

It is my birthday tomorrow. I will be 25. In a nice coincidence, when I am 25 my mum will be 50 and my great-grandmother will be 100. 100! Holy cow. I have mentioned her on this blog often - she is a huge source of inspiration for me. As all the women in my family are, of course - but she is a style inspiration! She has always dressed beautifully and looked amazing, and even now, at 99, she is perfectly groomed and made-up, always gracious and smiling, and always wearing a perfectly put-together outfit with a scarf at her neck and a brooch at her lapel. When I was last in the UK, we went through old pictures together, and she remembered every detail of every outfit she had worn in each picture down to the last button. I have complete confidence that, if she had grown up in our generation, she would have a style blog! She still should, in my opinion.

It's a funny world, the world of style blogging. When you describe it to non-bloggy types, it sounds bizarre and downright narcissistic. It's hard to explain that it's more about "Look what I did! What do you think? What are you guys up to?" than "LOOK AT ME I AM O FOR ORSUM." I see posting an outfit picture as on par with posting a picture of a dish I've cooked or a picture I've painted. But I can absolutely see how it sounds strange to people outside the community. I am very grateful, however, to have this outlet in which to indulge in my passion for vintage clothing (real-life fellow enthusiasts are thin on the ground!) and to be able to connect with like-minded people all over the world. I know that this blog will be a lifeline when we move. And I hope you know how much I appreciate each and every one of you who comments.

I have been thinking about blogging in general recently. As you probably know if you read regularly, it is quite a strange time in my life. I am preparing to move to the US at the start of August, and so I'm rushing to finish all my work and organise everything I need to organise before we go. It is a surprisingly long list. During this time, I have also been feeling horribly guilty for not participating more in this bloggy community. I love reading everyone's entries, but, for the past couple of months, I have had very little time to read and comment. I feel bad just updating my personal pages without taking part in the conversation that we're all having, here in this corner of the internet. I have even let comments slide. I don't like feeling guilty and I wish I could make the time to be as active a participant as I would like, but at the moment I just can't. So - I'm really sorry that I haven't visited and said hello as often as I like, or responded to questions and comments quickly enough. I hope you can understand. And thanks again for reading (the blog is 6 years old this month!). Thanks for reading my ramblings. Thanks for all your support regarding the book and my writing process. And thank you for all the advice, tips, jokes, criticism and friendly notes. I think my rationalisation of blogging will always be evolving, but one thing won't change - how much I enjoy it!

Comment of the day (am going to start adding this in to every post the day after it has appeared, as I so appreciate all your comments and haven't been replying to them! Will try to do better).

"What a wonderful, thought-provoking post. I definitely agree with your comments on the world of style blogging. I've just recently started my own blog, and though I'm still learning, I'm really excited to become a part of the community. Plus, blogging actually helps me figure myself out - by encouraging me to really define my style and consider what is important to me in general. How amazing that something as silly as an online journal could turn out to be so much more!" - Christy of Stories Read Aloud

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