Lately, I have been thinking about the evolution of style - perhaps since this past year and a half represents the first time I have felt really comfortable with the way I dress. Sometimes I look at my favourite bloggers and wonder how they dressed in high school, at university, or even when they were little kids.

I have a theory that a lot of stylish women start out as people who dress 'weirdly', who experiment, who make a lot of mistakes before they find their own particular look. What do you think?

I remember wearing a white jumpsuit to high school, with a leopard-print scarf around my neck. What was I thinking? And I went through a phase of wearing different ponchos every day for about a month. Oh, and to Prom I wore this enormous sequinned 80s dress that had belonged to my mum. I loved it, but it looked dreadful. I wish I could find a photo of it.

At university I used to wear a big, black, Matrix-style leather jacket and lace gloves. And I carried either my guitar or my sketchbook with me everywhere, purely to look arty. Poser!

Sometimes I look at old photos and don't even recognise myself.

How did you dress when you were in high school? Do you remember any particularly mad outfit you wore? I'm interested!

P.S. Can you spot me in this last photo? Even I have trouble.
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