Uncomfortable pose with book. "Mum, is someone coming? Take it quickly."
Mum treated me to a haircut, as well, as I was looking rather shaggy. Our hairdresser Michelle's salon, Kudos in Merivale Mall, was destroyed in the earthquake. She has set up shop a few doors down and is sharing the premises with another salon. If you happen to live in Christchurch and need a haircut, Michelle is just marvellous - and with all the stresses of the past few months, I know she would appreciate the support.
It was good to catch up with one of my best friends, Christina, at our old meeting-place (Coffee Culture), but strange to see the mall so torn and damaged by the quake. We used to live pretty much across the road from it. I didn't go to look at our old house, though - somehow I just couldn't bring myself to. The facades on Papanui Road have fallen, as you can see, making the buildings look like open dolls-houses, and it is too dangerous for the businesses to retrieve their stock. It is quite surreal to see stacks of shoeboxes teetering inside like that. (And a giant toadstool. No idea what that was for). People have attached notes and tributes to the security fences all over the city.
Surreal and sad, but uplifting, too, when you see the resilience and spirit of Christchurch's people displayed so openly.
Seeing Christina.
Hannah's house-bunny, Thumper.
Visiting Hannah.
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