Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Er ... aeroplane toilets seem to be the main focus

I have just finished doing my taxes. Ugh. Tax is horrible, and freelancing makes it even more complicated. I struggle with accounts and figures, and I have a pathological hatred of forms of any kind (which is going to make moving countries, opening new bank accounts and taking out new insurance LOTS of fun). Anyway, it is all done! And it is such a good feeling. I really wanted to get it out of the way before we left on Friday.

I still can't quite believe that we're leaving so soon. I mean, objectively I am aware that we are flying out on Friday afternoon, but some part of me refuses to admit it. I'm really looking forward to our trip, though - it will be great to get to know Austin, to see San Francisco and to catch up with some US bloggers while I'm there. I'm also planning to visit as many vintage stores as possible, of course!

I'm trying not to think too much about the flight itself - I quite like flying when I'm actually on the plane, watching movies and scoffing all the meals they throw my way, but all the faffing about in the airports isn't much fun. I also develop a sudden need to go to the bathroom every five minutes when I'm on a plane, particularly if I'm not in an aisle seat and need to clamber over someone ("Sorry, sorry ... sorry,") to escape. There's nothing quite like flying for illustrating the fact that humans are really nothing but big tubes - things go in at one end, spend some time sitting uncomfortably in the middle being squished by a seatbelt and the elbow of the immensely fat person sitting beside you, and then come out at the other end with irritating frequency. And get sucked into the terrifying aeroplane toilet. Is anyone else scared of being sucked down the loo when it flushes? It's so loud. And violent.

Sorry to lower the tone.

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