Thursday, May 22, 2008

Musings on why my jeans are suddenly tighter

To use the Oprah-generation term, I'm having 'body issues' at the moment. I've become very conscious of my weight and shape in general. For some reason, I don't think I've paid much attention to my body shape before - I've always worn what I loved and haven't worried too much about it. In the last year or so, though, I've become aware that I have a body shape described as 'stocky' (my mum, 'square' (my sister), 'healthy' (my friends) or even 'on the bigger side of average'. My mum is very thin and elegantly-shaped, with delicate facial features and a small nose. she looks a lot like Julie Andrews. I inherited my Dad's shape - he was a well-built, sturdy man with bigger features. I have his mouth (wide, with full lips and a long upper lip with a very pronounced fulcrum - something Mugabe has too, actually); his big nose; his green eyes; his thicker eyebrows. I have always wanted to be small, slender and delicate. Waif-like. Fat chance, pardon the pun. It's not that I'm unhappy with my shape, exactly, it's just that (weirdly?) I have never paid much attention to it before, and all those words like sturdy and stocky don't sound terribly feminine. And I've put on a bit of weight recently, after closeting myself indoors for a week finishing off the book and then eating a ton of junk food over the 48 Hours weekend. I think I just need to accept how I look.

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