Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Take a deep breath ... and here we go

As far as I can see, this is what I need to get done in the next three days to complete the book by the weekend:

1) Tidy up the end of Chapter Twenty-seven - have just spotted a bit where I wrote 'rhubarb rhubarb' instead of actual text, which is my signal to myself that I left something out. It's a good way of doing it - all I have to do to eliminate the 'rhubarbs' is do a quick Edit-Find.
2) Make what I call the 'Cephas Redux' scene in Chapter Twenty-eight less random.
3) Tidy up the Farai and Oliver scenes in Chapter Twenty-eight.
4) Insert some magic and folklore into Chapter Thirty.
5) Write a scene with Oliver for Chapter Thirty-two.
6) Expand Chapter Thirty-three.
7) Chapter Thirty-four is only half-written. So I'd better write it.
8) Same with Chapter Thirty-five. Also, I have to decide whether this needs to be two chapters or just one.
9) Tidy up Chapter Thirty-six, also known as the epilogue ...
10) Format anything I haven't formatted.
11) Do a read-through for sense, typos, any glaring errors and so on ... not too intensive, though, because I'm going to have a complete break from the book and then come back to it with fresh eyes.
12) And I just remembered I have an incomplete chapter right at the beginning of the book that I added in recently - I need to decide whether to keep it or not, and if I do keep it, I need to finish it.

And then I will be done! I will have a first draft that is complete and which I am relatively happy with, ready for my advisor to read in its entirety at the end of May. And I will be able to have a break (hurrah) and start the revision process fresh in a couple of weeks. I am so looking forward to having a break. I need one. At the moment when I stare at the page all I see is "This is crap, this is crap, this is crap," which is a clear sign that I need a holiday from it. And coffee.

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