Sunday, February 17, 2008

The incidental things

Bleh. Am trying to get to 50,000 words by the end of the day, and it's like trying to get the last bit of toothpaste out of the tube. Just one of those days. I was sitting downstairs a little while ago thinking "I have achieved nothing today. Just wasted a whole lot of time." I was just snuggling down into a nice comfy bed of self-pity when I realised that was ridiculous. I achieve a lot of things every day - I just like to concentrate on what I haven't done, because that seems so much bigger and more impressive. The things I do in a day I tend to think of as givens ... of course I do them. I always do. But it's all those 'givens' that add up to a life.

So, if I'm thinking about it from this more positive viewpoint, I can see that today I have:
1) Written 1,500 words
2) Cut a couple of scenes more effectively
3) Finished a piece in my art journal
4) Made breakfast and dinner for my husband
5) Unstacked and restacked the dishwasher
6) Made the bed
7) Vacuumed
8) Cleaned the upstairs bathroom
9) Done two loads of laundry
10) Practised the piano
11) Tidied up downstairs

They're all small, regular things, but doing them is important. So even though I feel low, tired and overwhelmed today, I have achieved something.

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