Wednesday, July 27, 2011


A few of you were as intrigued (and horrified) as I was by the bowling-ball-sized margarita with the up-ended Corona bottles in my previous post. Quite a drink, eh? I was so tempted to try one, just for the potential hilarity, but I am such a lightweight that a drink that size would have me under the table for the rest of the day. Anyway, it is called a Mexican Bulldog, and every restaurant in Miami seemed to offer them. As you drink the margarita, the Corona seeps in and fills your glass again. Sounds like something out of Harry Potter, if Harry Potter were more like Jersey Shore.

Apparently it was made famous by Snooki, which sort of says it all, doesn't it? Has anyone tasted one? What is it like? I can't imagine it tasting that good, but perhaps it is delicious and I missed out.

Sorry about the brief posts lately - I am embroiled in edits for The White Shadow, due next week, and my in-laws have come from New Zealand to stay with us. Things are a little busy. I so appreciate all your comments, and thank you for reading!

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