Wednesday, November 3, 2010


My progress:

Er ... hey, did anyone watch that show about penguins yesterday? That was a good show.

Oh, my PROGRESS. Sorry, I thought you said my HEADDRESS. Which I thought was a little weird because I'm not wearing one, but now I understand.


I would love to answer your question, but I have an urgent need to clean my computer keyboard with a Q-tip.

Yeah, so I didn't get much done today.

It has been a bit of a weird day for me. First of all, Mum left this morning. I knew I was going to be sad, so that wasn't a surprise, but I wasn't expecting it to hit quite this hard. I think it's because we're very close and have never lived far away from each other before - even though the rest of our family is scattered all over the world! So, I ate an enormous bowl of pasta, drank lots of hot chocolate and stayed in my pyjamas for most of the day, wallowing. Then I had a conversation with my agent about my next book, which drove home the fact that I really need to have it finished by the holidays so that we can deliver it early next year. I am (relatively) on track, but there is still a lot of work to do.

I read this post on the lovely Luinae's blog a couple of days ago, and it resonated with a lot of the decisions and changes I have been trying to make lately - slowing down, focusing and simplifying. The principle is simple: start empty, become full. And it applies to almost everything, from writing a book to organising a closet. Think about it - instead of tidying out a cupboard by taking things away, take everything out. Enjoy the clarity and space that the emptiness gives you. Then put items back, assessing each one for its value to you and your life. It's such a great way to organise and focus. It occurred to me while reading this that this is how I revise my novels - I open up a new, blank document and transfer scenes across, assessing each one as I go, making sure it fits and is necessary, and rewriting where needed. I can build a whole book that way. So why not try it in other areas of my life, as well?

And that's when it clicked. I can apply this principle to my time, to make sure that I'm focusing on the right things. I cleared my schedule until it was completely blank, and then examined everything I had to do in order to determine its importance. Unfortunately, although hosting this Nanowrimo group and taking part in the experience is important to me this month, the Young Adult novel has bitten the dust! I just can't work on that as well as finishing the book before Christmas and working on the big freelance jobs I have this month. Instead, I am going to continue revising a chapter a day and finish revising my work-in-progress by the end of the month ready for edits. So it's a change of plan, but I think it's a good one.

In other news, I am hosting a clothing swap for the Austin Ladies Who Lunch blogging group! If you're part of the group, head over to New to Austin to put your name down. It will be great fun, and I have a huge amount of clothing to give away!

How did you get on with your Nanowrimo project today? Are you finding that it's morphing into something that you didn't expect? Have you had to adjust your course at all?

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