Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Six impossible things before breakfast

My progress:

1,000 words of my Nanowrimo project written
Chapter 5 of work-in-progress revised
Three cups of coffee consumed
One antihistamine taken to combat hayfever-type allergies
Two hours of non-productivity caused by reaction to the antihistamine (whoops)

Sometimes (all right, most of the time) my mind is like a small, recalcitrant child who needs constant tricking and bribery in order to get any work done. One of my favourite ways to corral this small and disobedient part of myself is to work in my pyjamas before breakfast. It tricks me into relaxing and letting the work flow - and it makes the day's task seem smaller and more manageable, somehow, if I can do it while wearing cat-printed flannel and then reward myself with cereal. That's how I did my Nanowrimo (lame-oh) work this morning.

Thanks for your comments on the previous post, Nano-participants - it sounds like you're all doing a great job! I'll be popping over to everyone's blog this week to check on y'all's progress (so Texan right now) before Friday's show-and-tell. How did your second day go?

P.S. Check out this interesting post from the lovely Maggie Stiefvater arguing against Nanowrimo's usefulness. It certainly isn't effective for everyone, and for some people it can be downright destructive - but if you can get something valuable out of it (as I find I do), then that's great. I do think she raised some excellent points.

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