Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The book is back! (with a dramatic chord and a cloud of dry ice)

Well, I met with my advisor this morning. We discussed the book, and we also discussed the nickname his students give him - 'Santa Claus.'
"I thought you looked more like Gerald Durrell," I said.
"Really? I'll have to look up some images on Google. Some people say I look like Hemingway." He strikes a pose.
"Or maybe Kenny Rogers."
He looks horrified.
"You should submit a photo to that website for men who look like Kenny Rogers. I think it's called"
"You don't say."

Anyway, he has given me all 250 printed pages of the book covered with scribbles to start work on, and a list of things to think about. One thing that surprised me was that he thought there was too much violence at the end. I have never thought of myself as someone who writes violent books, but I actually really relish all that gory stuff. And I think he's right - there's a big climax to the book, which is horrifying, and then there's a little mini climax afterwards (no double entendres intended here) which needs to be toned down so it doesn't detract from the main one. I agree. That's what comes from my Kamikaze method of handing in the final chapters without reading over them ... but honestly, by the time I was working on the final chapters I was so heartily sick of the whole thing that I just wanted to send it off and forget about it.

He really liked the final chapter of the book, which was great because I wasn't sure about it ... I would hate to end cheesily. The plan from here is to polish it all up. My advisor is going to approach someone from outside the university to read the book as well, for another perspective.

And then we work on getting it published! Whee.

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